
Erato, look away

So our guv just vetoed the creation of a state Poet Laureate -- despite it being an honorary, unpaid position. What a jackass, that Pawlenty. Still, there's hope for an override.

Erato, by the way, is the muse of love poetry. I think when republicans like pawlenty dismiss the arts, they think mostly of work that would come under Erato's sway. But the rest of us know that Calliope, muse of epic poetry, records offenses like these in the histories of states.

Pawlenty, even more by the way, is pretty moderate for a repub (we're a purple state), and pretty unconvincing to everyone on every topic. And yet some beleive he may run for president in 2008. Silly.

And Deep Throat is...

Yo momma.

No, wait...

Actually it's retired G-man W. Mark Felt. Probably. Weird how Woodward & Bernstein won't confirm it.


A second Newsweek surprise

Newsweek wasn't lying. Of course, if you believed the white house's complaint in the first place, you won't beleive this, either.

Downing Street Memo Article

An honest-to-god story in a US journal about the downing street memo! And it's the best I've read about it yet.


Mein dome

Secrets of my city. I'm still not convinced this one was on purpose, though.


Music Software

I'm lookin' for some music software (PC-type) -- something that acts as a multitrack recorder, at the very least. I've used Cakewalk products before (an older version of Home Studio, especially), but frankly I don't like their stuff. Too tuff.

I'm leaning toward Ableton. Heavily. It's mighty nice (at least the demo is). Anyway, I wonder if some of my friends who record music on their computers have anything to add?



Too much nature in my city.


Even Ridge thinks those terror alerts were phony

USA Today reports that Ridge opposed a lot of those hinky terror alerts, but doesn't note that they occurred during the presidential election season.


Republicans lie about judges. Again.

God bless Media Matters. I hate how the Republicans haven't stopped lying about this. Plus, I don't get how they can be so critical of the judiciary in principle (recall Delay and Frist and Justice Sin Sunday? No, really -- recall them!), but still be so crazy about getting these terrible judges in.


Maybe they're just modest?

No confirmed time-travellers. I'm subscribing to the theory that admitting you're a time-traveller is a social gaffe in the future.


Freak - o - nomics

I have to say that while I enjoy the anecdotes, Freakonomics just ain't that big a deal. It's also incredibly short -- just a few hours of reading.


There's a new Roger Nusic CD!

As my first post on Bendy Bendy, I'd like to just reprint a portion of a CD release announcement for a CD that I'm not connected to in any way, but that I know Ben will appreciate:

Hey Lova Playas,

The new Roger Nusic cd "Burn Or Save?" Produced & Recorded by the great Torry Ward (of www.jusfamilyrecords.com ) will B released (by me) on Wed. May 11, 2005 at my show at: Neurolux 111 N 11th Boise, ID.

I'm planning a June USA tour & lots of dates need 2 B filled in yet, but I'll get back 2 U on that soon. Hopefully there'll B a show close 2 U. Please check my web site (Latest News & coming Shows) at http://www.rogernusic.com

Hope 2 C U really soon.

4 U O, Holla


Scholars' Scholars Walk

I'm happy to report that the University of Minnesota made the right decision in dropping the apostrophe for its Scholars Walk. It both follows the U's building-naming style guide and avoids the implication that the walk is only for scholars. The apostrophe lovers may be technically correct, but as an editor (and clever fool) I like the extra meaning attached to the absence of the apostrophe. There's nothing there but a story.


Another smoking gun...

Rep John Conyers has posted on DailyKos his dismay at the discovery of more direct evidence that Bush et al cooked up the Iraq situation. Of course, most of us are already convinced. So Conyers is right to wonder why the media won't touch the story.


Houston in May

We're headed back to Houston at the end of the month for my brother-in-law's graduation!

This pic is from our last trip in January, in the Houston Museum of Fine Arts.

Bendy Bendy: A New Hope

A new hope that I'll keep blogging, that is.