
I'm a dance commando...

Two members of Gunrack get together again. Sweet, ain't it? It's been 10 years since I've seen Steve!


Ah sweet Bemidji.

Well, if I get my act together I'll post a picture or two of our Bemidji trip someday. It was a fun visit with Aunt Cami and brother-in-law Jacob.

But here's the lowdown: We stayed in a really hip 70s-style cabin on lake Bemidji, roasted near the fire, and watched some Olympics. There was also vegetarian food, and really good waffles. Then, we hurt ourselves skiing all over the place -- fun though! We recuperated in the hot tub and drank beers.

Also, I saw a really big woodpecker and a bunch (scraggly gaggle?) of turkeys -- thankfully no wolves, like the last time we went up north. Wolves are scary. No lie.


For Bob

I wasn't a regular at Discount Video, but Bob was. I do wish I'd run into Deneuve!

And for all that clatter about browsing, it was nearly impossible to browse there.


Stereolab at First Ave!

Rachel and I caught Stereolab at First Ave last night -- fun, as always. First Ave's changed itself around a lot, though, and I don't think they've got everything quite figured out. We thought the sound wasn't too great -- really muddy bass, really quiet vocals -- and that's really unexpected for First Ave!

I stood next to a bunch of interpretive dancers who danced like snakes on acid through everything -- even the DJ music before and after the show, and even during the silent parts between songs.


Company newsletter

The Minneapolis Star Tribune unveiled a new tier of advertising on their website today.... but I think it goes too far. There's practically no Strib branding left! Did GM buy the whole thing? "Unleash the power of corn" indeed.

--Phew! Back to normal on the 11th!--