
What remains of old Detroit?

See for yourself...


Chris said...

How did Ben feel about Detroit 10 years ago? See for youself...

I still don't believe the part about parking your car in the middle of Jefferson or whatever. You'll have to explain that to me again some time.

Anyway, I love that Ruins of Detroit site...haven't visited in a while, though. Do they really let people park in front of the DIA like that? That's horrible!

Anonymous said...

The Botsford Inn, site of my wedding reception, has suffered a similar fate to the rest of the structures on this site. What's more disgusting to me, though, is that while these structures sit rotting on unused (and long disturbed) land my fellow Michiganians are fervently building replacements on recently-closed farms, wetlands, etc.

What's more... I firmly believe this is happening solely because these places are where the black people don't live.